Thursday, May 12, 2022


Digital Marketing Agency's Tips to Generate Traffic Through SM

Do you know what would make a marketer happy? The ability to generate unique traffic and leads. 

A study showed that more than 60% of marketers say that generating traffic and leads are the most challenging thing.

We are a digital marketing agency in New Jersey, and we have been providing comprehensive digital marketing services for the past 10 years. And sometimes it's a challenge for us too.


digital marketing agency


However, finding solutions to the marketing challenges is the bread and butter of our digital marketing solutions. 

There are several methods to generate traffic and leads like SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing, among others. 

Social media marketing has a wide array of benefits - one of which is generating referral traffic to your website. 

Generating referral traffic allows you to put your content in front of new prospects and make them aware of your brand.

Want to know more about how to generate traffic with social media marketing?

Keep reading as in this post, we share some of the best practices that we follow to generate traffic and leads using social media marketing.

Share Your Content on Social Media

It is not enough to create excellent content hoping that people discover it. To stand out, first, you need to stand up. 

This is why here at our social media marketing agency in New Jersey, we always promote the best of our content on social media networks where our target audience spends the most time. 

Twitter is great for quick, snappy (and enticing) links, and Google Business posts can help your site appear in local search results. 

If you're a B2C goods firm, image-heavy social sites like Pinterest and Instagram could help you get a lot of attention. And if you want to reach a new audience, boost your engagement and interaction with your prospects, and build a community, Facebook is the best place to do so.

Sharing your content on social media will not only direct traffic to your site, but the more eyes you attract to your content, the more chances of you earning authoritative backlinks to your site.

Add Hashtags

Social media posts are a great way to connect with your audience and share your brand/business information. But before you hit "Publish," don't forget to include the hashtags. 

Including relevant hashtags will help your posts reach your target audience, says the SMM expert of our social media marketing company in New Jersey. 

Keep the hashtags specific to the topic of the post in order to be discovered by individuals who are most likely to read, share, and/or link to your content. 

Leverage LinkedIn

If you are not using LinkedIn, you are losing out on the opportunity to leverage the world's largest professional social network. 

It is a great publishing platform, and you should be contributing content there regularly. You ask why? 

It's because publishing content on LinkedIn can enhance traffic to your website, bring more visits to your LinkedIn Company Page, and improve your reputation in your sector. 

Don't worry; you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Writing a reflection article on a recent topic or repurposing previously produced content will do fine.

Include Social Share Buttons

This is a simple way to increase referral traffic. Social share buttons enable users to quickly share the page they're reading with their social networks.

Another alternative is the click-to-Tweet tool, which allows readers to publish a prewritten Tweet with a single click. 

Post at the Appropriate Time

There's a lot of debate in the marketing community about when to post on social media. Some digital marketing companies in New Jersey swear by morning hours, believing that social media platforms are used most often during the day. 

Others swear by afternoon hours, claiming that the platforms are most effective then. The truth is somewhere in the middle. The truth is relative. The truth is whatever works for you.

Look at your social media analytics to find the times that get the most engagement from your audience, and then share your content links accordingly. Start with the average best times and dig into the data to refine.

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