Thursday, June 24, 2021


3 Tips that will Add Spark to Your E-Learning App Content

When we speak with clients about what they want in a custom educational or e-learning app, the phrases "engaging" and "interactive" content come up frequently. While we agree that these are excellent descriptors, different people will interpret them differently. You probably have a good sense of what they mean to you right now. There are numerous methods for engaging students. Some go into depth on adult learning theory, while others are simple techniques to make a mundane interaction more interesting. Let's face it, none of us wants to be clicked into oblivion!

e-learning app

Learners aren't really engaged by pretty visuals and bulleted lists

How much of your e-learning is made up of the dreaded PowerPoint-style slides? You hear a narrator read the text on the screen and then go on to the next slide to answer a multiple-choice question on the list you just saw. Have you fallen asleep yet? Who wants to read a boring educational app content?

Three tips to spice up your educational and e-learning app content

Tip 1: Use sliders and dials

Sliders and dials are an excellent method to get out of the rut of clicking each tab, button, or image to learn more.

To describe items or terms, use a slider. Let's imagine you wish to highlight the significant changes in compliance legislation. For those important dates, make a timeline with a slider and text popups.

To demonstrate progression, use a slider or dial. Maybe you're putting together a course on the plant life cycle. The learner can view photos of the plant at various phases of development by using a slider or dial.

You can display each item or word in a pop-up window, a separate layer, or even an audio-enabled slide.

Tip 2: Make use of labeling and sorting

True or false, matching, and multiple-choice knowledge checks can all be replaced by labelling and sorting. They employ images to promote student participation during the learning process. Labeling and sorting can be utilised in a variety of ways while developing content for the best learning app.

Increase the number of people who use your product by using labels. Assume you're instructing someone on how to operate a piece of machinery. Label the parts of the equipment that your student will interact with and use labels to demonstrate or test them.

To test knowledge, make a sorting task. Assume your course is intended to teach salespeople about the characteristics and benefits of a new product line. Match different features to certain products with the help of a sorting activity.

Tip 3: Include Audio Reviews

Inclusion of audio is a popular way for content developers to increase activities in their unique e-learning development. This might include sound effects or music, both of which are excellent, but using multiple voices boosts interest.

In a case study, use character audio to allow a character to narrate their own story. To break up the monotony of one voice, switch narrators for your educational app’s visual content.

Friday, June 18, 2021


Marketer’s Tips on What to do When Your Business has No Clients

 The economy has slowed dramatically as a result of the global pandemic, forcing everybody to scramble for something to hold on to. Work continues for some, but with several adjustments. But what about the companies and sectors that had to reduce or eliminate their customer-facing operations? What should you do if no one wants to buy your goods or services?

Every firm should be performing a large number of things on a regular basis in the pursuit of optimization, functionality, and new prospects. Simply said, there isn't enough time, and these items continue to fall down the priority list. It appears like it is time to dust off that to-do list and get to work on a few things, say the marketers of a digital marketing agency.

digital marketing agency

Things you can Do During the Economic Downtime

1.      Review of Step Processes

Every firm that runs online employs some form of step-processing. It might be as simple as signing up for a newsletter or as complicated as e-commerce buying. In any case, step-processes should be examined on a frequent basis to check for anything that is causing you to lose consumers. From the wording to the number of steps, the positioning of buttons, and more, there are a variety of subtle adjustments that must be made.

2.      Website Maintenance

Your website, like a car, needs regular maintenance in order to function properly. A website should be assessed for improved speed and performance, as well as to ensure that all front-end and back-end functionality is operational. Customer satisfaction, conversion rate, and SEO all benefit from the speed, explains an executive of a digital marketing companyin New Jersey.

3.      Create a list of content ideas

Many of us often generate content on the spur of the moment, with no marketing strategy in mind. Of course, having a content calendar and preparing ideas and campaigns is far more effective. A lack of ideas is one reason why a company does not always succeed. Brainstorming content ideas requires time and effort. Make a game out of it by giving your teams some recommendations to get them started.

4.      Analyze Previous Marketing Campaigns

This should ideally be a regular step when creating new campaigns. However, if you have the time, go back and review efforts over the last five years or more. Look for what seems to work and figure out why one worked better than the other.

5.      Interact with customers on social media

The majority of customers are at home. Some people are bored, while others are concerned and stressed. While a company may not be able to offer anything to its customers, it may nevertheless seek to strengthen connections by reaching out and connecting with them, says an experienced marketer of a digital marketing firm in New Jersey.

Friday, June 11, 2021


Visual Content is a Must-Have for E-Learning Courses and Apps

 Moving visuals enslave us in a way that no other media can. Every day, YouTube videos are viewed 4 billion times. Every month, Vimeo videos are seen a whopping 715 million times. And people aren't only flocking to these video-sharing sites to see hilarious cat videos. These sites host videos on almost any topic under the sun and attract people with extensive interests, ranging from biology and astronomy lessons, DIY carpentry hacks, recipes, movies, artistic performances, breaking news, and more. It should come as no surprise that videos have become popular as a means of delivering training in the workplace and providing informative content for educational apps.

Why do Students Enjoy Watching Visual Content?

Have you ever been puzzled by seeing why the same students who can't stay up during a PowerPoint presentation become enthralled by a video? What is it about this medium that makes it so captivating? In a nutshell, video is a good fit for most learners' learning styles. The following are the characteristics that make them so appealing:

1. Familiar Format

The phenomenal successes of YouTube, Vimeo, and Vine demonstrate that people now prefer to consume content through videos rather than reading or listening to it.

2. Even more Intriguing

Moving pictures give life to static content. According to the executives of a content agency for educational ande-learning apps, videos allow you to offer content in a more interesting manner by leveraging real-life events and scenarios.

3. Gives More Control Over Your Learning

Learners can pace their learning with the help of videos. To repeat, skip, or focus more closely on a specific piece of content, learners can pause, rewind, fast-forward, or resume the streaming.

4. Crisp and Concise

Learning videos is time-efficient, and they sound instructional due to their audio-visual delivery structure. Videos condense a lot of knowledge into a small amount of time, which cuts down on training time. Learning is more successful when graphics and audio engage several senses (retention increases). A well-made visual content also reduces cognitive load by removing the tension, boredom, and frustration associated with attempting to extract meaning from a text-heavy slide with irrelevant graphics.

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