Friday, June 11, 2021


Visual Content is a Must-Have for E-Learning Courses and Apps

 Moving visuals enslave us in a way that no other media can. Every day, YouTube videos are viewed 4 billion times. Every month, Vimeo videos are seen a whopping 715 million times. And people aren't only flocking to these video-sharing sites to see hilarious cat videos. These sites host videos on almost any topic under the sun and attract people with extensive interests, ranging from biology and astronomy lessons, DIY carpentry hacks, recipes, movies, artistic performances, breaking news, and more. It should come as no surprise that videos have become popular as a means of delivering training in the workplace and providing informative content for educational apps.

Why do Students Enjoy Watching Visual Content?

Have you ever been puzzled by seeing why the same students who can't stay up during a PowerPoint presentation become enthralled by a video? What is it about this medium that makes it so captivating? In a nutshell, video is a good fit for most learners' learning styles. The following are the characteristics that make them so appealing:

1. Familiar Format

The phenomenal successes of YouTube, Vimeo, and Vine demonstrate that people now prefer to consume content through videos rather than reading or listening to it.

2. Even more Intriguing

Moving pictures give life to static content. According to the executives of a content agency for educational ande-learning apps, videos allow you to offer content in a more interesting manner by leveraging real-life events and scenarios.

3. Gives More Control Over Your Learning

Learners can pace their learning with the help of videos. To repeat, skip, or focus more closely on a specific piece of content, learners can pause, rewind, fast-forward, or resume the streaming.

4. Crisp and Concise

Learning videos is time-efficient, and they sound instructional due to their audio-visual delivery structure. Videos condense a lot of knowledge into a small amount of time, which cuts down on training time. Learning is more successful when graphics and audio engage several senses (retention increases). A well-made visual content also reduces cognitive load by removing the tension, boredom, and frustration associated with attempting to extract meaning from a text-heavy slide with irrelevant graphics.

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