Ecommerce is a fiercely competitive business. There are millions of other websites competing for the same customers. Even if you search within your niche, you will face competition from hundreds or thousands of websites.
So, are you having difficulty obtaining the desired number of conversions from your eCommerce website?
Here are five proven hacks from the best digital marketing agency in New Jersey that will help you get those numbers up in no time –
The Fear of Missing Out
FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing! People respond well to urgency in today's fast-paced world with shrinking attention spans. Your prospects do not want to pass up an opportunity and later regret it.
Hence, as an eCommerce retailer, you can capitalize on this fear of missing out. You can do this by displaying a limited quantity of products available (only one left in stock) or a limited time to purchase (Limited time deal).
Write Great Product Titles and Descriptions
According to the SEO experts of a digital marketing company in New Jersey, never underestimate the power of a good copy.
Most customers read product titles and descriptions to determine whether or not a product will be helpful to them. As a result, product titles and descriptions can assist your prospective customers in making a purchasing decision.
So, it would help if you created titles and descriptions that persuade people to buy your products. But how are you going to do it?
The first thing you should do is include all relevant information about your product, including its features and benefits. Anyone interested in a product should not leave your site due to a lack of information.
Here's a quick list of everything you should include in your product descriptions:
- Title or name
- Discounts and product
prices (if applicable)
- Color, size, shape,
dimensions, and so on.
- Material, quality, and
so on.
- Features and application
- Instructions for product
care and maintenance
For your product titles, you must create titles that accurately describe the product. If your prospects are looking to make a quick purchase, they may not stop and read through your description. Therefore, your product title should provide enough information as briefly as possible to be read at a glance.
Optimize for Keywords
Another critical step in increasing eCommerce conversions is to optimize your product titles and descriptions for your target keywords. According to a New Jersey SEO company, the best lead generation tactic for eCommerce retailers is to use keywords.
Determine the keywords that your prospects are using to inquire about your products. You're likely to come across a dozen keywords, but you don't have to include them all in your copy. Aim for the longest keyword, as this will cover the shorter ones automatically.
Once you've determined your target keywords, you must include them in your product title and description to ensure that you rank for them.
Provide Social Proof
Social proof is defined as customer reviews and testimonials that encourage other customers to try a product or service. Prospective customers may be more inclined to purchase your products if they see social proof from your existing customers. After all, if previous customers recommend a product or service, it must be good.
How can you incorporate social proof into your eCommerce site? Add customer ratings and reviews to your product pages to demonstrate how much customers love a product.
Make it simple for customers to leave ratings and reviews to increase the number of them. You can also request written or video testimonials from customers to display on your website, says the digital marketing agency in New Jersey.
Optimize the Checkout and Payment Process
Have you ever left items in your shopping cart because the checkout and payment process was overly long and complicated? If the answer is yes, you aren't alone. For this reason, many customers abandon their shopping carts as well.
Perhaps the registration form is too long, there aren't enough payment options, or something else in your checkout process is turning off your prospects. This is easily avoidable if your checkout and payment processes are optimized.
To improve your prospects' checkout experience, consider the following suggestions from the digital marketing agency in New Jersey:
- Allow prospective
customers to log in via social media to save time.
- If you need them to fill
out a form, only include the necessary fields.
- Provide a variety of
payment options. Make use of secure payment methods.
These are the essentials that you must focus on to provide your customers with a quick and painless checkout experience.