Monday, December 27, 2021


Web Development Company Reveals Symptoms of an Aging Website


Nobody wants an out-of-date website, yet web design has become so inventive and simple in recent years that outdated pages are no longer acceptable. After all, user experience should be at the forefront of site design, says a senior professional of a website development company in New Jersey. This is how you wow visitors and demonstrate your brand's identity.

Now is a good time to think about updating your domain if you haven't done so in a while. Most firms update or rebuild their websites every two years or so, but how can you know when it's time for a new design?


Your website uses Flash

Remove any Flash from your website as soon as possible. Flash is sluggish and takes a long time to load. It must also be updated on a regular basis. Because search engines can't index Flash, it won't help your site rank higher in the search results (SEO). HTML5 and CSS3 are two new approaches to animate your pages that are significantly more current.

Those Embarrassing Visitor Counters

The visitor counters are unmistakably from the 1990s. A web user's stomach turns just thinking about one. Prior to the advent of analytics tools, visitor counters were useful. Counters have been rendered obsolete by today's analytics, which can measure traffic and user behavior so smartly. While visitor counts aren't as important on personal websites, they look unprofessional and out of date on company pages. Instead of a counter, track your visits with an analytics platform.

More Shimmer

Web trends are trending away from the bright, robust buttons that flooded the web in the previous decade and toward matte and flat. Dropped shadows and sparkly surfaces were used to give the layout "depth," while dropped shadows and shiny surfaces were used to make the buttons look appealing. The emphasis now is on simplicity and clear lines, advises a website development service provider in New Jersey.

Use of outdated fonts

Fonts and stylistic elements that are out of date can easily damage your customer base. Even subconsciously, the fonts you use communicate your brand's image. Older, out-of-style fonts, such as Comic Sans, are amateurish and are unlikely to be taken seriously, explains a web development executive in New Jersey. Visitors will assume you don't have the time or money to keep your website up to date, which is the last thing you want for your company. Antiquated font styles, such as embossed or beveled typefaces, also appear amateurish. Designers applied these fonts and styles because they were safe for the web, but they're now just plain dull. Throw out your old fonts, and try some of the trending styles like Open Sans, Roboto, Montserrat, and Lato.

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